It’s A Girl!

Surprise!! I am so excited to announce that we’re expecting a little baby girl! My dream is coming true! Of course, I would have been happy with a boy too, but I have dreamed of having a little girl for the longest time. Everyone tells me I seem like I’d be a girl mom also haha.

I’m beyond thrilled for today’s post because I thought 10000% that we were having a boy! We decided to do the 10 week blood test to determine the gender. When we received the phone call from the nurse with the results, I dropped to the floor and screamed and had to ask “are you sure?!” because I was convinced it was a boy.

Why I Thought It Was a Boy!

Okay, so if you didn’t already know this, the sex is determined by the male. On Matt’s side there has only been 1 girl in the family in about 100 years! Isn’t that crazy?! We thought it was in the stars. Not only that, but I’ve only been wanting salty and sour foods and I haven’t had any real morning sickness. Everyone I know with girl’s say they were really sick and craved sweet foods! I guess all those old wives tales were wrong for me haha! Anyways, I hope you enjoy this fun little photoshoot!


LoveJenMarie is a home and lifestyle blog dedicated to daily inspiration, outfit tips, healthy living + much more! I hope you love pink + boho vibes because you'll find a lot of it here!

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